The Great Plotnik

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Providence to Vegas to Smokeland

The Eagles have landed, the Plotniks are home.

Alarm clock set for 6:15, so naturally neither Plot or Duck can sleep past 4. Downstairs in the airport Comfort Inn by 6:45 to stuff in calories which will have to last 'til the plane lands in Las Vegas at 2PM (11PM Vegas time). Check Plotzer score on hotel computer. Shuttle to Airport. Jammed plane to Vegas. Not so jammed plane to Oakland. Shuttle to Bart. Train to Glen Park. Walk up hill dragging suitcases. Home sweet home. When Plot pushes the door open it snags on the pile of unopened mail.

This morning it was balmy in Providence, R.I. This afternoon it was hot as hell in Las Vegas. It was warm on the subway platform in Oakland. The sweet smelling winds are gusting in Saint Plotniko, and they feel great.

Amazingly, another old friend is in town with his 24 year old daughter, who the Plotniks will get to meet for the first time. The two will be at musty smelling World Headquarters in half an hour. The windows are wide open. Must stay awake. Must stay awake. More tomorrow.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Welcome home! We'll talk soon when you have settled a bit. Enjoy!

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the Dodgers did not lose once while you were gone. Don't be surprised if Tommy Lasorda shows up at your door with a pair of tickets to Iowa where a room at the Motel 3 (motto: "And now with both kinds of running water - hot and cold!") will be waiting for you through September and October.


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