The Great Plotnik

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Only a Phone Call Away

Tonight, Plot and Duck were talking with Isabella on the phone. "Bompa," she said, and "Bobwa," and "Yah" when Duck asked her if she'd gone to the beach and "Yah" when Plot asked her if she'd had her swimming lesson yesterday. When she got off the phone, Plot said to PD: "I'm really gonna miss that."

PD said: "You can have that anytime you want."

He's right, of course. When you talk on the phone, what's the difference if you're across town or across the country? Plot's three favorite young ladies will still be only a phone call away.


At 6:17 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Somebody needs to find George Jetson and get that video phone thing working. (Actually, his son - Elroy? - would probably be more useful. Also, Mac's video iChats use the internet to accomplish the same thing and could be worth the hassle to set up.)

Nice pictures!

At 9:23 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

I especially love the final photo in this post!


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