"Oooooh! Wow! Look at that Gown!"
"Shut up," The Duck says.
Plotnik thinks: During the presidential campaign, first Hillary supporters and then Palin supporters screamed bloody murder about sexism, and in particular how it seemed to them that everyone on television was talking about Ms. Clinton or Ms. Palin's clothing, but never seemed to care about the candidates' accomplishments. Hillary was Senator from New York. Palin was Governor of Alaska (and still is). You'd never have known it.
Plotnik listened to these complaints, and had to agree.
So tonight, when he saw the accomplished Barack and Michele Obama parading over every television channel -- they were dancing, they were walking, they were photographed together and apart -- he realized all the women on the tube were talking about nothing but Michele's gowns.
"Ooooh, that white gown is by a 26 year old."
"Ooooh, did you see the blue one?"
"Ooooh, where did she ever get that coat?"
"Ooooh, she is so tall!"
"Ooooh, Jill Biden is so short!" (She's got a doctorate, by the way.)
"Ooooh, what is Sasha wearing?"
Plotnik felt duty bound to point out this discrepancy to Ducknik, a career woman herself, who had also been transfixed all day about what Ms. Obama was wearing.
"Why does anyone give a s___ about what she's wearing?" Plot said. He expected Duck to applaud him for his understanding that women on television get treated unfa...
"Oh, shut up," said Ducknik, right along with Soledad O'Brien on CNN. "Do you see that gorgeous white gown? She is really stunning. I wonder who the designer is? Oh, he's only 26 years old? Oooh. Wow."
I never even vaguely noticed what she was wearing. Gene's chat thing brought it up and I was stunned at how many people cared.
Quick - what color was the Prez's tie?
Oh you guys just don't get it...
Well, it's not like he was wearing a dress or ball cap or anything else a fashion person could comment on. I do think it would have been really cool if he'd broken out a basketball and dribbled it down Penn Ave. Maybe even the women wouldn't have noticed Mrs dress.
Thank god we have a first lady again whose wardrobe we can ooh and aah over. Somebody with style. Yes! It's been a very long time!
Obama's tie was red. Biden's was black. I liked the effect when we could see Michelle's gold, Jill's red, and the two men inbetween in black with Obama's red tie. A pleasing visual presentation.
Also....I think that a lot of the oohing and aahing also has to do with HOW Michelle wears her clothes - she exudes a friendly confidence and openess that is quite different from her stuffy, proper, boring predecessors, and I think that is a part of why we notice and appreciate the bold colors, the fresh lines, and also the willingness to wear J. Crew as well as the more lateedah designers. She's fashionable but also down to earth and accessible. It's the combination of these visual and personal qualities that we women appreciate.
And: I feel your pain, poor little Plotty. It's hard to be a man in a woman's world.
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