The Great Plotnik

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Ogenki desu ka, wait...

Jimmy Street's in town, so last night Plot and Duck had Jim Zim and Beverly-san over for dinner. They featured Jim Zim on KSCM yesterday, on the Desert Island show, giving the eight or so jazz CDs he would take with him to the desert island (presumably there is power for a CD player on the island, or a lifetime supply of double-A batteries). His choices were interesting, though Plottie hadn't heard of many of the players. Jimmy Street, meanwhile, has had a terrible back attack and hasn't been working all that much. So the drummer and the saxophonist and the piano player talked about -- you know, real estate and food.

It's always nice to see Beverly -- she and Plotnik took a few Japanese classes together, but that was awhile ago. Neither one of them can say an entire sentence anymore without it sounding like this: "Ah, Beburee-san, ogenki desu ka, oh shit I'm trying to say, wait, ogenki desu ka, nee, onegai shimasu, no, wait, shit."

But the chicken was delicious and Duck made a cake so -- life is good, ichiban.


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to hear what you think about a former great mariner player that has sold out and and juiced up. Jerk. (Not as if you can guess how I feel about it...)


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