The Great Plotnik

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Messing Around the Mission with the Finch

HelmsWoman Finch left this morning to head back to JFK and then another flight to Portland, Maine and a two hour drive to Deer Isle. She started the adventure in Maui, so it's been quite a schlep.

First of all was a stop at the Marsh to see an afternoon performance of "Executive Order 9066." Liebe Wetzel's Found Object Puppetry is absolutely impossible to describe and is heartbreakingly beautiful. Sadly, the show is closing for now but Wetzel brings it back periodically.

Dinner was at The Old Jerusalem, which has turned into Plot and Duck's favorite neighborhood spot. The shawarma and chicken moussakhan are fantastic and the hummos, on the bottom, is the best Plotnik has ever tasted.

Above all, it's great to see Deb. The time went 'way too fast.


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