The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The New Olympus

Plotnik finally lost or was relieved of his trusty Cannon Sure Shot. After searching everywhere possible for a week, he bought a new Olympus. As would be expected, the new camera cost 1/4 of what the old one did and is many times more powerful and even smaller. But using it the way Plotnik uses a digital camera, you'll never detect any difference in the photos. Point. Bang. Point again. Bang. That's what we're looking for here.

And anyway, some people are just better picture takers than others. Plotnik takes more interesting photos than lots of others, but he's a rank amateur compared to jj-aka-pp or The Great Domin-Nik, both of whom could take prize winners with a Minnie Mouse Zero Pixel.

Plot thinks this will be the last digital camera he ever buys -- by the time he loses this one it will be time for an I-Phone that also combines an excellent lens camera phone with the movie function of the Flip Cam. It'll probably also cook your breakfast. It's just a matter of time.


At 10:00 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

I heard that this sort of camera is derisively referred to as a PHD camera - Push Here Dummy.

But they are what I use and they generally take fine pictures. Like you say, it's actually the person taking the picture that determines whether the picture will be interesting. Just like how a good guitar player can make a $100 guitar sound pretty darn good.

At 8:55 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Of course now you'll find the old camera.

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous jj-aka-pp said...

I am touched that you rank my photog abilities so high! As long as they still make film and have developers, I'll stick to my film camera...though my local Wolf closed....Wah!


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