Plotzers Almost Clinch One Thing or the Other
Stiletto City braces for a playoff shot with either the Phoolies or the Kurds, but it doesn't mean anything to this beautiful horse with his ears matching his rider's arms. The Great PD snapped this one with his I-Phone, of course.
Plot and Duck have new qwerty cell phones but they'll never blow for the monthly internet charge to really use their new phones to their full extent. Plot always lags years behind the newest wave -- do we really need to listen to music while we walk? Is it imperative that we surf the internet from the bus? Does entertainment have to trump observation, reflection, interaction?
If the Dodgers end up playing the Phillies, I will have to root for the Dodgers (west coast bias). That will hurt a bit. If they play the Cards, it is a tougher choice. In either case, I would be pulling for the Rockies to win it all.
Wait, let me just check the odds on my iPhone...
Wait. Here I am rooting against the Rockies so my buddies' and wife's Giants might sneak in, and you're rooting for 'em?
And about the curse -- if the Dodgers lose the next 10 I need to be eliminated.
Hahahahaha, funny final sentence down here, Dodger DAK.
I could have used my iPhone GPS feature last night when I was lost in Brooklyn--if my battery hadn't been dead.
You can send your pix by text to someone's phone or email. Don't need internet!(at least that's the case w/my Verizon phone..I only pay for calls and texts.
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