The Great Plotnik

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Moammar's Gone, One More Round

Qaddafi's gone. The Libyan rebels got him. Now let's see what they do with their oil-rich, tribal patch of the Sahara.

Plot and Duck were on the sailboat this Spring when NATO started bombing Libya. It made no sense to Plotnik that we would commit our air power to toppling a dictator who was 'only' terrorizing his own people, since by those standards we'd be at war with the entire Middle East, half of Asia and Eastern Europe.

But once more, you've got to give it to President Obama: he set out a program, stuck with it and now he can put Moammar Qadaffi's bloated carcass up on his wall with Osama bin Laden. Meanwhile Sadam Hussein's head is in Crawford, Texas and who knows who's next?

What will the Republicans say this time? They'll probably keep quiet about this one.


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