The Great Plotnik

Friday, November 04, 2011

Kenya Warns of El Shabab Donkeys

This headline is in the NYT today. Apparently the Donkeys, presumably Muslim, are being used to transport arms into Kenya, presumably Christian.

Sounds funny, right? But we all know what the next step will be: land mines on the border. Which will remain for a decade or two, hidden from sight, long after whatever they are arguing about now has been forgotten.

They're doing it on the Syria-Lebanon border now too. These are the most hideous weapons of war, attacking the most innocent and vulnerable -- and we don't like it, do we?

But then think about the drones we're using to attack suspected enemies. Plotnik has been told that the hum of the airplanes that contain the drones can be heard, but not seen, all over Afghanistan. Their death falls right out of the sky -- land mines shoot out of the earth. Surprise! Happy No More Head! Or Leg!

It's better, in our case, so the logic goes, than sending in poor American kids to do the killing. It's better too, in every land mine case, than sending poor (fill in nation) kids to do the border watching. This is a cruel logic, but it makes a lot of sense if you're the one who fires the drone or hides the mine.

We've got our panties in a bunch about Occupy Oakland. You want to join a credit union? THAT'LL help! Get real. The earth just hit 7,000,000,000 people. Do you think anybody, except politicos and the sheriff, really cares where you put your little tents?


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