The Great Plotnik

Saturday, December 31, 2005

BZ and The Big E 2

BZ and the Big E
Originally uploaded by thegreatplotnik.
You may have to be a scholar of plotzketball history to remember the first Big E, back in the days of Kareem Abdul Jabbar-nik, but now there is a Big E2. Last night The Big E2 and The Great BeezyWeezy accompanied Plotnik and Ducknik to Pazzia, where they hadn't been since Mushnik's birthday. The story of pizza as an appetizer and more pizza for a main course was told. Then, the four ordered pizza margherita, pizza gorgonzola, cappelini with sun dried tomatoes, rigatoni with sausage and gnocchi in a meat sauce. Tiramisu followed.

Tomorrow, New Year's Day, BZ and E2 leave for PD and 5H's house in Stiletto City, after which they'll camp for a few days in Joshua Tree. Both kids really had their lives changed when they were at Biosphere in Tucson, Arizona. They have the desert in their blood now, and seek it like Plotnik and Ducknik search out the perfect creme brulee.

Tonight, New Year's Eve, is normally a time of great reflection, but The Great Plotnik got all of that out of his system before October 26. Tonight will probably involve making home made ravioli and feeling thankful for uncountable blessings.


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