The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fumi's Kahuku Shrimp Truck

This is the fantastic Fumi's Kahuku Shrimp Truck that is parked next to the shrimp farm pond in Kahuku. Ducknik and Plotnik drove by, saw the sign, saw the truck, saw the pond, screeched to a halt, and split a plate of spicy shrimp and rice where the shrimp were pulled right out of the pond. Good stuff.

They then continued down the Windward Coast towards Lanikai Beach, which Plotnik managed to find despite many streets destroyed by rain and busted water mains and detours and DO NOT ENTERS. Afterwards, they drove back to Waikiki to return the car. (Plot is afraid the picture you're looking at is actually the beach NEXT to Lanikai Beach -- hey, it was unmarked.)

IDIOT! Plotnik left his camera and his journal in the rental car door when he returned it. That's the bad news -- that he has no brain. The good news is he didn't go far before he realized it and went back and got them.

The next few hours were truly wasted -- watching bad Bruin basketball and hearing bad news about all local baseball teams. Everyone in Round Table Pizza was a Florida Gator fan -- many cheers with many beers. Plotnik sat by himself at a table doing his kanji homework when he couldn't bear to look at the screen.

Ever hear of Ahi Tuna Chops? They do them at the Outrigger Hotel in back of the Tiki Torches. They take the best ahi tuna and manage to grill it for maybe five seconds, then slice it to look like a rib lamb chop, complete with a piece of bamboo for the 'bone,' then slap it all around a mound of Maui-Onion mashed potatoes, that's Maui-Onion mashed potatoes.

Plotnik's swordfish was delicious but the ahi took home the prize. Still, it was a relief that the entrees were delicious, because the 'fresh bread, hot from the oven' was tasteless and the 'whipped Creamery butter' was margarine, no matter what the obnoxious waitress with the Hydromatic smile stuck in overdrive ("Are we having a yummy scrumptiousy dinner hah ho hyuk?") said. When the assistant waitress (as dour as her superior was hyper) brought the Ceasar Salad, split in two portions, each portion had exactly two (2) leaves of Romaine on each plate. Plot and Duck started to laugh, but not Glowery Gussie. Bad bread, bad salad, the meal started out with a whimper, but ended with a big loud bang.

Duck just called --her speech went well. She's done with that part and can stop popping the di-gel. Later on Plot and Duck will hook up and go looking for more cheap Aloha shirts and a Hawaiian plate lunch -- meat and three, Chef P, Aloha style.


At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dougster,

Oi, I went off blog-reading for a few short days, and now I see that quite a bit happened whilst I was away. I'm really sorry to hear about your old friend Jon. Hope you're making good waves in Aloha land. And wonder when the heck any of us get to see you again!

At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the meat will be Spam, but I want to know what the "3" is. Snag a menu for me. Aloha.
Chef P


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