The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

More Food for Plottie

The Great Plotnik has been observing an alarming drop in the amount of comments from his vast readership. It can mean only two things: 1) Too much baseball and 2) not enough food.

Sorry! My bad! Oi!

Here are the old war horses: Sour Slaw, Lentils and Cardamom, Arugula/Cilantro/Parsley Tabboule, strawberries and a new dish: Surprise Peppers. The surprise is that The Great Plotnik bought the red peppers at two stands at the Farmer's Market, then mixed them together, forgetting which ones are sweet and which are scaldlingly hot. It's a surprise, all right.

And let's not forget the bottle of Black Cat -- despite yesterday's sage vinter notes about wine tasting and barrel sampling, Plot and Duck always come back to their $5 cabernet from Trader Joe's. When they were cruising wineries in the Sierras, fellow tasters would ask, pondering deeply as they swirled their sangioveses: "Do you taste cherry? I taste cherry. Do you get oak? Blackberry? Licorice?"

The Great Plotnik is usually unable to taste anything other than "red wine with battery acid" or "red wine without battery acid." And most of the time, he was secretly thinking to himself: "Does this $20 bottle taste four times better than Black Cat? Two times better? Better at all?" Usually, the answer was no.

Steve's Happy Birthday eclairs were pretty good, though the box of cookies from Dianda's lasted longest.


At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Plottie,
Baseball is, you'll pardon me for saying so, just a game. But, food, as everyone knows—food is life. Now we need more details about that tabouleh.

At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! Food at baseball! Now you've got something! (Unless it is a Dodger Dog.)

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Karen said...

I was good until I got to the eclairs. On my way over to the French bakery on Greenwich. (How did you know that Dee Dee spent too much time just goofin/talking? She's good when she actually sings.)

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My eyes sort of glaze over when you write about food, truth be told, but I know it's sort of your job. I'm looking forward the arrival of the little grandnik, since I know he or she will inspire a whole new world of blog entries (and probably many more songs that I'll never get to hear).


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