The Great Plotnik

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam's Dead. Now It's on You.

So they hanged Saddam Hussein last night and it's front page, huge letters, so The Great Plotnik guesses we are supposed to feel good about it, or at least relieved.

Sorry. It doesn't compute. One dictator overthrown and prosecuted for his excesses, while we support dozens just like him, just like we once supported Saddam. Sorry.

The Great Plotnik sees a man in his 60s with a gray beard, whose sons have been murdered already, lying in his cell for years thinking about how high is high and how low low can get. Now he's dead. Now what?

Maybe Saddam Hussein does not deserve our pity. He was a violent man, sculpted by a violent society, and he met a violent death. Cool.

But here's the thing: The President of the United States COULD say: "OK! We got what we wanted! Saddam is dead! We win! Let's go home!"

Instead, he'll try to save face by throwing thousands more American boys and girls, kids the age of The Great BeezieWeezie, into the desert fire. Many will be turned into killers, if they are not killed or mutilated themselves. Thank you, George, but don't you dare try to blame this on Saddam.

Saddam is dead. Now it's on you.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Joseph Zitt said...

Kudos -- that's exactly what I've been thinking but wouldn't have expressed so well.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Karen said...

I agree with Mr. Zitt. Well said.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Oh, but now it's time for the SURGE of troops and more lives wasted. Good post, Plottie...


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