The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Forty Dollar Yogurt

Ooh, don't you just hate that? Plot and Duck were supposed to go see 'Legally Blonde' last night at the Golden Gate, but Plottie's stomach has been a mess for days and he just didn't feel like going out. But Duck, earlier on Tuesday, had parked the car in the Wednesday zone in front of the house because they planned to use the car that night.

When The Great Plotnik woke up this morning he remembered the car, ran out to the street to move it -- no ticket! But, Fool That He Is, he decided to drive down to the corner to get some yogurt. Checking the parking meter, which read HOURS: 9AM-6PM, he figured he was safe, since it was only 8:30.

Wrong. Walking out of the fruit stand, there was the evilly grinning Pissenpoopen in his blue and white Tyrantvagonticketshpieler, lights flashing, just having put the ticket on Plot's windshield. "But but but..." Plot sputtered, "the meter says 9AM-6PM!"

"Ja," said little Pissenpoopen, "but das SIGN on der STREET says NO PARKING WED 8-10."

He was right. Plot had moved the car from one NO PARKING WED 8-10 zone to another NO PARKING WED 8-10 zone. Nice going, Dummy. Forty Bucks. It better be damned good yogurt.


At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, I just read this to Smiling Bill and we are certainly sympathetic. Sorry about your tummy, too much fancy/expensive food. Time for some chicken noodle won ton soup from the Shangai Dumpling Factory, I betcha.
p.s. that blonde play is supposed to be a bomb

At 7:41 AM, Blogger bronwen said...

oh, this hurts. ouch.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your traffic ticket story sounds like the modern-day urban "An Appointment in Samarra." Sometimes there's just no escaping these things.


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