The Great Plotnik

Monday, June 04, 2007

Little Bear's Day

Little Bear-nik, seen in blue at right at Del Mar a few years ago, is having surgery today. She'll be fine, but Plotnik, being Plotnik, is worrying a little bit. He's known his sis-in-law since he was 13, so there's plenty of reason. Still, it's routine surgery. Still, he's thinking about it.

Also in the picture are rare shots of Nefnik, Fefnik and Vashnik, as well as 5-Head and P-Dunky, who is back at work today after Mexico. Apparently, when they arrived back at their house last night, Mischief licked Isabella with happiness and Isabella licked him back. Welcome Home.


At 12:33 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

How come we never get Mischief for a week or so anymore while the parents of Baby I travel all over the world?


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