The Great Plotnik

Friday, August 17, 2007

Catch, Mush and the Sacred Mildred

Yesterday's 'Blues in the Night' review pre-empted a review of Catch in the Castro. To someone who is not normally a great fan of Castro food (it's too frequently less about the grub than the hub and the Bub), Plotnik has to admit he'd have to be dead not to love those mussels in pernod with delicious Fries. The onion rings could have been worn on God's fat pinkie.

The salmon and bacon sandwich was very tasty, especially if you love bacon.

...and the grilled artichokes --- well, there ain't nothin' left but the leaves.

A word must be said for The Great Mushnik's parking abilities. Apparently, she can find a spot anywhere, anytime. You laugh? Look at her smile, as she grabs a space on the very corner of Noe and Market, where a parking place hasn't opened up since 1975. And remember that a family codicile insists that she never use a parking meter. Petulant potential parkers honk their horns in awe, as Mush pulls right in with a yawn.

Now, The Great Ducknik's Mom, Mildred, was the all-time best at the business of finding impossible places to park. She was said to have been able to find a spot by the water at Jones Beach at noon on a Sunday in August, something which is, of course, inconceivable.

The Plotniks have long used the Mildred Mantra when they seek parking. It's called Invoking the Sacred Mildred. It never fails, but you can't Invoke the Sacred Mildred too frequently, and only when one is absolutely desperate for time, with dire consequences awaiting if you don't find a space NOW!

Like: 50,000 people at a Dodger playoff game. Sheer chaos in the parking lot. Plotnik and family arrive late, P-Dunky invokes the Sacred Mildred, a car immediately pulls out in front of the very entrance to the Loge Level seats where the Plotniks need to run into the stadium. They're in their seats as the Talented Somebody is finishing 'And The Home Of The Bra-a-a-a-a-ave!' That kind of thing.

Mush appears to be able to use her gift at any time, day or night. It might be a Pasadena thing. We shall test her further and report back. In the meantime, we're going camping.


At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mussels and fries look REALLY good, even at 9:24 in the morning.

It's good to have someone along with good parking karma, although it's a little sad to waste it on a stupid Dodgers game. (That they probably lost.)

At 7:25 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

That was a fine lunch indeed...
and nice showing off the parking talent.

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think you allowed yourself to eat this kind of yummy fatty stuff! You always raise your eyebrows sky high when I say I put pure cream in my coffee. Now why is this?

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Catch In The Castro"? Is that:

A.) the name of a restaurant
B.) a festival like "Taste of Chicago"
C.) a dating service operating out of Cliff's Variety?

And did you have deep-fried Twinkies for dessert?


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