The Great Plotnik

Sunday, November 25, 2007

An Aphorism on the Bathroom Wall

Uh oh...everybody ate Thai food last night and everybody feels a little punk today. The scary little pinpoint of tightness in the belly, the eyes closing when the tummy rumbles a may have been the Coconut Soup of Death...hopefully not, man oh man, hopefully not.

It doesn't help that nobody is sleeping, worrying about either the real estate purchase or the non-real estate purchase, and spending too much or not being able to spend enough, and where do you put the other bathroom and isn't it a shame about the gang eruptions in the old hood and why in the world would anyone want to live in this jungle anyway?

But The Great Plotnik knows enough to discount any worries he has when he doesn't feel all that great. Two nights ago the Duck was bemoaning the death of the American Middle Class. Last night she was trying to figure out where to put the new powder room in the house nobody has even bought yet.

Note on the Bathroom Wall: When God pays off your mortgage He always requires you take out a Second.


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why blame the Thai food and not the mystery meat thing you wanted to put on your sandwich?

So what's up with the real estate thing? Surely you aren't looking to buy something down there. Are you?


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