Four Steps to a Bouquet of Yellow Roses
The Yellow Rose of Plotnik is one of the two Official Roses of the Great Plotnik World Headquarters, Meatball Kitchen and Thorn-in-Thumb Research Center. Here's how you get from plant to bouquet. First, you get a lackey to cut the flowers.
Next, you put them in the sink.
Next, The Great Ducknik layers them gracefully into a vase.
Finally, you take a close-up.
The yellow rose that Plotnik planted last Spring has gotten to be six feet tall. Usually, roses with large flowers only survive a season or two in Saint Plotniko before their lungs fill up with fog and they succumb to scab and scale, their leaves brown and withered away, their puny little stems covered with powdery mildew.
But lately it's hotter, you've noticed? So maybe this buffed-out and seemingly healthy rose bush will stick around awhile. Global Warming! Yeah!
Good lackies are getting hard to find.
And what's with the lime by the sink? Is this a secret bloom-enhancer developed in your research center? (Most likely it is left over from the adult beverages the lackey required to deal with the thorn in thumb issues.)
Oh, such beautiful roses! Yes, they will last a few years, never fear.
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