The Great Plotnik

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Friendly Birds, Panini and Senator Clinton

The Great Plotnik is very, very tired of hearing how misogyny brought down Hillary Clinton. He wonders how anyone can say she was brought down? She just did not win, that's all, and barely. Whether you like her or not, you can't help feeling lifted by what she accomplished.

It's been great to have The Great Finch-Nik and The Great Crow-Nik staying at World Headquarters this week. There have been the usual amount of grand meals consumed, including the still-perfect panini at Chef Pickle's Folio in Napa the day before yesterday. When you see the chef laying out the sandwiches before they are grilled, they don't look like all that much, do they? But Crow-Nik meant it when he looked up after three or four bites and said: "This may be the best sandwich I have ever eaten."

The weather has been squirrelly here, but, then again, it's nothing like what can take place in the rest of the country. A friend sent Plotnik this shot of the sky above Mississippi in the days right before Katrina.

Last thought about Hillary Clinton:

Plottie's own daughter has reprimanded him several times for being unsympathetic to the kinds of patronizing crap that women in general and Senator Clinton in particular have been forced to endure. Plotnik is being honest when he says: "What did anyone expect?"

Perhaps the racial Reverend Wright mess did not resonate with you because it is not your issue. Perhaps nasty cracks about Senator Clinton's weight or clothing did resonate with you because it is your issue. Maybe both bugged you, maybe neither. Either way, politics is not fair, it sucks eggs. You can choose to let this opt you out of the process, because your candidate has lost by a nose, or you can work hard to expel with the bottoms of both your feet the two men who have been reviled more than anyone else in recent memory for their shortcomings: George Bush and Dick Cheney.

The first is a moron and the second is a cruel liar -- have you ever heard that before? Just because we agree with these criticisms does not mean they are always given out fairly. They have gotten theirs. Hillary got hers. Barack has gotten his and McCain will get his right back.

Hillary Clinton will make nice, in the end, that's what politicians do. Plotnik just hopes the entire dialog about gender and race has been pushed further into the frontal lobe of the national discussion. If that's so, then all of Senator Clinton's loyal supporters can feel proud that their candidate accomplished something far more important than the results of one primary election.



At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - there was a lot in here, but the thing that sticks with me is that cloud picture. That is frightening. It looks like something Hollywood would come up with for an Armageddon movie - only it would be rejected since it was too menacing; too fake looking.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Yeah, I agree with notthat- never seen a cloud like that. Wow.


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