The People in the Next Booth are Talking about Massage. Plotnik is Talking about Lamb Chops.
Last night, Ducknik and Plotnik were driving down Wilshire Boulevard heading for the beach to have dinner with old friends who happened to be in Stiletto City for the evening. Mummy P was not feeling well enough to come, so Plot and Duck had a little time by themselves to mull over this mega monolith metropolis that everyone hates but in which everyone seems to choose to live. That's what they started to talk about, anyway, but they ended up just waxing eloquent about Isabella.
So that's the answer. It's not all that complicated. Friends and family you love, interesting things to do with your life, your kids, their kids, and lamb chops.
The women in the next booth have stopped talking about massage and are now talking about sleeping with men they don't even know. They seem astonished at how often (their friends, not they) seem to do it. But it sounds just like the conversation about massage. Plot's getting out of this Panera.
Six lamb chops per order! And don't forget the shirin polo (rice with orange peel and pistachios), if you can get it.
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