Two Early Shows in One Week
Plot blew two 7:30 showtime curtains this week. The first was Tuesday when he and Duck got started late, then realized they were almost out of gas, careened in and out of the Shell, then zipped the Great Plotzwagon CRV (Critical Review Vehicle) at breakneck speed down the 101 to get to Mountain View Center for Performing Arts, found a parking spot on the street, passed on the biscotti but dashed up to the Will Call Window, wondering why there was an empty lobby? The first act of "Twentieth Century" was already 15 minutes old. "Oh, we always start at 7:30 on Tuesdays," said the kind person who had been waiting with his comp tickets, sighing as if she's had to say this before to other blockheads off their meds.
Then Wednesday night the same thing happened with "Geezer." Plot and Duck were meeting Silent B and Mush at The Marsh, and Plot wondered, as he and Duck ambled up Valencia Street, ooh there's a skinhead playing guitar in the rain, ooh there's a quintet of hipsters in black coats and dark glasses, they're either all blind or Goths, ooooh I wonder, since we're 15 minutes early, why Mush isn't in Ritual Coffee Roasters fortifying herself with caffeine before the show?
Because this show ALSO started at 7:30, you numbskull. Fortunately, it was at The Marsh where "curtain time" can be defined the way Comcast does it: "A Theater Technician will arrive at your home tomorrow sometime between 8am and 5:30pm."
Not really, that's just a joke. Still, though Plot and Duck got there 20 minutes late they only missed five minutes of the show and walked in as Geoff Hoyle was pulling the artery out of his leg, TAA-WANNNG.
Why do theaters change show times? What's the point? You've gotten us all used to an 8pm curtain, why not just keep it the same for every evening show? Hah? Your reviewers are all getting older, remember? Hah?
Anyway, about the shows: "Geezer" was fantastic, but it was only a reading and for one night only. You can read the non-review of "Geezer" here.
"Twentieth Century" was, like, you know, cute. You can read the San Francisco Theater Blog review here, and you're quite a dame, won'tcha look at those gams.
Many of us Geezers appreciate the earlier show times. Make a note to ask and then WRITE IT DOWN in your calendar. See? Easy...stick w/ the Mushes, we are trained to help.
Geeze Ploty, I think it's a guy thing to be anal about knowing what time an event starts. At least it is for me. I'm with mush - earlier is better.
Because theatres are loosing audiences like crazy and doing what they can to attract a crowd on anything other than Saturday night. So, they start early on weekdays so commuters can leave work, eat, catch the show and get home at a decent hour.A reviewer arriving late????? I am truely embarrassed. OK, GGG-TGP! Write it down, no, better...tell Duck what time it starts...that'll take care of that!Stepping off my soap box....
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