The Great Plotnik

Monday, April 27, 2009

Belly's Eyes, a Red Mercedes, Liebe Wetzel and Insect Bites

The weather finally got hot in Brooklyn.

Is it possible that Isabella's eyes are maybe getting even bigger? So were Plotnik's when he saw this alternative fuel vehicle in the Mission.

Yesterday he forgot to post the link to his Review for Liebe Wetzel's amazing "Executive Order 9066." Here it is. Plot'll let you all know when the show runs again -- it's too wonderful to miss. You can read the San Francisco Theater Blog Review here, and that's Liebe Wetzel on the left before the show started.

Plot, Duck and Captain Crow stand under a sign near the land Crow and Finch purchased on Union Island a few decades ago. Plotnik doesn't know it yet, but he's about to start a week's itching due to all the stinging plants he just walked through and all the insects who used him to prolong their life cycle.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

Yes, the g. dot's eyes are even bigger. What a doll. Sorry we missed that play ~ next time for sure.

At 10:42 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

So I've Googled Union Island Bay Area and found nothing useful. Maybe it's a conspiracy headed by the Stinging Plants and Insects Union.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger DAK said...

Yes, you'd have to google Union Island, nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to find it. I'm sure the bugs and plants have a confederation. When our boat anchored in the harbor they had their napkins on and knives and forks sharpened.


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