The Great Plotnik

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Pro Tools: More Kool-Aid

Wow. This makes twice this week Plotnik just...forgot to blog. What is happening in the Blogosphere? Seems like he is spending every second of computer time either working with Pro Tools or waiting on the Help Line for Pro Tools.

This morning he got in the queue early, finally spoke to a tech support guy. After an hour Plotnik felt like he'd finally made progress. Then he hung up, and not long afterwards realized nothing the tech guy told him to do made any difference at all. It was just a lot of (wrist moving rapidly up and down).

You've got to get the right tech guy, that's all there is to it. Tomorrow, Plot will be back on the phone and we'll try it all again, after the minimum half hour wait. Plot's call is important to them, see.


At 12:50 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Wow - Pro Tools is some pretty heady stuff. (No, I've never used it, but it is a dominant competitor, sort of like Toyota is Kia's dominant competitor.)

Good luck with the tech support.


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