At Least Use Some Duck Fat
If you're a renter you don't worry about stuff like this. But if you just spent a lot of effort redoing various parts of your house, including putting in a new (old) door and window over it, and all the old (new) facing and molding around it and a new roof to cover it, you're not happy when you look out and see this guy building a nest up there.
Normally, Plotnik wouldn't think twice about it -- I mean, pigeons are just birds, what harm can they do?
Apparently a lot. Read "pigeon damage" postings on various pest removal sites and you'd think these guys are Al-Queda at the very least. One method for removal calls for taking a cast iron skillet up to the roof and then letting the pigeons watch you break their eggs into the frying pan. You think Plotnik is joking, but he isn't.
Oh, man. Really? Is this something he really has to do? Pigeons? Can they really be so awful?
Mmmmmm...a duck fat and pigeon egg cake. Yum!
Pigeons - rats of the air.
Act now!! You won't be able to do it after there are eggs in the nest.
Pigeons? Pigeons are nothing! I've got raccoons hanging around the old homestead. First I received a threatening letter from the city because a neighbor complained about poop on the roof (no relation to soap-on-a-rope), and now my newly washed skylight is embellished with large, muddy raccoon footprints.
Wanna trade?
deborah is right. eggs = guilt
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