The Great Plotnik

Thursday, December 02, 2010

A Song About What?

Man! Are you looking for someplace to take your kids and your wife and your parents and your grandparents for Christmas? You can read the treacly sycophantic review of "Shrek The Musical" here. This is one astonishing show.

No need to look at the calendar: if it's musicals that kids will love, it must be December. Shrek last night, tonight it's "Lemony Snicket the Musical" and there are several more this month. We fully expect "Financial Meltdown The Musical" and "Juan Uribe The Musical" and "Colonoscopy Prep The Musical" any day now. Bring the kids.

But no joke about Shrek. Children's musicals almost always demand that Plotnik bite down on his tongue to keep from retching, but there is no Drek in Shrek. And the ogre gets the girl. And there's a song about farts. I mean!


At 12:18 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

I was hoping you would review this. AND YOU"VE NEVER SEEN THE MOVIE???

There have been a few movies that jump outside the box when you first see them (Blazing Saddles, Jurassic Park) and Shrek the movie is like that. Also, the book is nothing like the movie - or play for that matter - it was a bit of a disappointment.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

I also liked Shrek the movie and will avoid Shrek the play. Good review.


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