The Great Plotnik

Monday, August 15, 2011

Up and At 'em

Is this the perfect Snowy Valley license plate?

There is a play at the New Works Festival sponsored by Theatreworks in Palo Alto. It is called "Upright Grand" and is about a dad who is a piano player and his daughter who becomes one too. This play should not be seen by dads who are piano players with daughters who are far away.

Two young sisters from Honduras just showed up at the door, with flyers advertising their home cleaning services. One look and you know they're honest, anxious to earn an honest living and will take any job they can get and do it well. So much talk about the people who are taking jobs from Americans -- Plotnik has not seen any locals at his door looking for work, except for Crazy Tony with the Eye Patch who smells like beer and wants a 'loan.'

It's Monday. Plot and Duck did a lot of touring last week. It's fun to hang out with The Counselor and the Gobbler of Cobbler, who go home tomorrow, but not in that car. And now it's time to get back to work.


At 10:25 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Wow - that's quite a plate there. Surely there's a story behind it. Crazy Tony's car?


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