Two suitcases zipped up ahead of time. This probably means the plane is delayed. Not that Plotnik pays any attention to omens anymore when it comes to air travel.
He's taking his heavy leather jacket, which guarantees a heat wave in Brooklyn, and he's taking his computer, which means power outages up and down the East Coast. He and Duck finished off a good bottle of wine last night to erase the possibility of the upcoming Saint Plotniko earthquake getting ALL the wine.
Not that Plotnik is superstitious.
He was thinking back this morning to October of 2001, when he and Duck flew back to NYC to see BZWZ and make sure the world was still spinning in its familiar orbit. It was only one month after 9-11 and the airport was pretty empty, except for that kid Plotnik convinced himself was a terrorist. He outed the kid to the woman at the ticket counter and the feds came over and really put that poor guy through the wringer. His crime was that Plotnik was scared to fly that day.
Who was that Plotnik? Is this Plotnik that Plotnik?
Not really. Too many long plane flights in the interim, which make flying to NYC like a rabbit hopping from berry bush to berry bush.

Speaking of bush, Plotnik surfed onto the Republican debate last night. Perry is scary, but not so much for what he says (he's probably not much different than any of the others at heart -- a politician who would like to win above all and will do or say whatever he thinks he should to accomplish that purpose).
His scariness comes from the realization that he may be another George Bush -- but better looking and younger. He cannot string together two sentences. He can't think or speak on the fly. He mumbles and spews out things he memorized, but didn't memorize very well. Criminy. Is this what the Republican party has become: the haven for the average?
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free? Sorry. No room. Give instead your average, your inconsistent, your simplistic, your jingoistic, your bible-belters, your education-ignorers. Give us your angry. Your fearful. Give us your average and let them lead us.
Here's a thought: You've got Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on one side, and you've got George Bush and Rick Perry on the other. Who do you feel most comfortable with as your leaders?
Can it be any more obvious? Well, apparently.
These pizzas were consumed almost exactly one year ago in Brooklyn. Here we come again.