The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Way Too Cool

You are staring at Mr. and Mrs. Way Too Cool. These two have turned themselves from, well, whatever they were before, into diehard runners. They marathon, they 5K and 10K and 15K and this past weekend Mr. Way2, also known as NotThatLucas, completed his first 50K run, and we're not talking about running on a flat track -- this was up and down hills and over raging torrents. Mrs. That is congratulating him at the finish line above. Mr. and Mrs. That, you are my heroes.

This post will get back to them in a moment.


Fellow Plotnikkies, you perhaps will have noticed Hanky Girl's comment on yesterday's post about re-setting of clocks, and you said to yourself, 'hmm, well, this woman must have a few clocks."


Hanky, would you be so kind as to take a picture of, oh, say, your kitchen, or your living room, or even that secret clock room down under the Fake Ruby Machine that none of us has ever been allowed into? Just so our faithful flock will understand what you are talking about when you say you just kind of walk around pushing buttons? Please send me those photos and then they'll know the REST of the story.

Some of you will remember that Hanky Girl got her name because she and Plotnik used to review movies together. She could cry at a Godzilla movie.

(Actually the last Godzilla movie they saw was so bad that Plot and Hanky were castigated upon leaving the screening room for laughing so hard, because it wasn't a comedy.)

(If you have ever wondered what a huge gorilla dubbed into bad English smells like, this was it.)

Plotnik was thinking about hankies and reviewers Saturday Night when he saw that "Upright Grand" has made it out of the New Works Festival at Theatreworks, where he and Ducknik saw it last summer, and will be the opening show in next year's mainstage series. Plotnik NEVER has cried so much at any show.

(OK, what was that dog movie where the little doggie finally makes it home, sniff, to his young boy master, sniffffllll? Homeward Bound or something like that? He cried a lot there too. But, hey! A doggie! "Rex! You're home! You're home!" Bawwwwwwwwww.)

But that was one hanky. "Upright Grand" is three hankies, minimum. It's the one about the piano player dad who is still playing in clubs and his brilliant pianist daughter and then one of them, well, bawwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Now back to The Way2 family. Plot thinks that all his South Bay friends, especially The Great NotThatLucases, who live in Redwood City, would really love Theatreworks, whose two theaters are state of the art and their shows have become as good as anything we're seeing in Saint Plotniko these days. How far can Palo Alto or Mountain View be from Redwood City, twenty minutes? You two could run down there in half an hour, watch a show, eat some Chinese food and be home before the 10 o'clock news.

The Great Plotnik, sadly, has pretty much stopped playing in his lifetime weekend basketball games, and is seeing how years and years of running and jumping tend to wear out joints and tendons. He hopes his friends do not do something nasty to themselves running this much. Remember, NotThat, the human body stopped needing to outrun elk around 100,000 years ago.

Brother and Sister Plotnikkies, the point isn't to do more and more and more, because we all know that this ends up with you being able to do less and less. So please take it a little bit easy, right? But you're still my heroes.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Our local theater is indeed pretty good, but there is no way you could drag me to a three-hanky production, Godzilla or not. (I love the idea of you two laughing at wildly inappropriate times during that movie.)

I think if you saw how I run, you would feel a bit better about my chances of not doing myself in with the pounding - there really is not all that much running. Mostly walking and some jogging. And almost always on dirt.

I'd love to have you and Ducknik come down for a moderate event once and see what it's like - the trick is to not pick the longest distance so that you can take your time and actually enjoy the scenery (wow is there a LOT of it!). Maybe I'll just get you entries and make you feel guilty enough to do the race. Yes - that's the way to do it.


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