The Great Plotnik

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Two Names of Justice

Only in the Superior Court building would the fancy phone booth have the phone missing.

But Plotnik is done for the year with Jury Duty. He had postponed it until this week due to the Family Reunion/Glacier trip. The first three days he didn't have to go in. But today they got him.

The judge announced it would be a two week trial. She asked if people had reasons they would not wish to serve on a two-week trial.

Plotnik gave her a compelling reason. Having gray hair helped. He's done for the year.

But he does want to know why Duck and he get called every year, while so many other people he knows never get called at all.

When they called the roll there actually was someone named Tom King Kong.

Also, since they call the names alphabetically, two names that got called in a row were WONG and WRIGHT.


At 2:00 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Congrats on your compelling reason being listened to (I've seen cases with very compelling reasons and the judge really didn't care). If your compelling reason involved stopping the Dodgers from their freefall, I can certainly understand. Not that you can help them - they are DOOMED!


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