The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The DMV like 1,2,3...

"Dog GONE it! WHY didn't Plotnik write this chorus?

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Ooooooh, oooohhh yeah, yeah

It's the perfect chorus. Bruno Mars? Who's Bruno Mars? How old is this song? Did all of you know about it before Plottie? Why didn't you tell him that this generation's "That's What Friends Are For" had already been written? 

Shoooooooot. You go to school to learn prosody -- the way words and music fit together -- and here's your example.

Anyway, there he was, in the DMV, having discovered the secret to renewing a driver's license, which is to get an early morning appointment at a DMV sub-office. Plot's appointment was at 8:10am at the Daly City office and by 8:12 he was done and out the door. He kids you not.  Plot had allotted the whole morning to sitting at the DMV, so now he had extra time. He drove over to the Westlake Trader Joe's, walked in and was cruising the cereals when...

"You can count on me like 1, 2, 3..." came over the Muzac. It stopped Plotnik in his tracks.

The thing is, everybody thinks writing a SIM-PLE chorus like this is...simple. It's not. Trust Plottie on this. True, it probably took Bruno Mars 15 seconds to write, but don't forget his hundreds of other songs, that you'll never hear, that took a lot longer because they're not nearly as good, but still he had to write them all to get 'em out of the way for this one.

So it's a good day, because The Great Plotnik has the DMV out of the way, but it's a kind-of wistful day because he keeps asking himself:

"You can count on me like 1,2,3..."  --- how hard was that? Why didn't HE do it? Sheeesh.

Also, it's g'bye to the old driver's license photo. He'd gotten fond of it. See ya, young Plottie.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger bronwen said...

I found the secret to the RI DMV is to arrive just before they shut the doors at 3:15. You'll get served close to 5pm anyway, so may as well get there at 3:14 instead of 7am like the last time I tried this.

New BZWZ driver's license shows a 28 year old Rhode Islander instead of a 16 year old Californian. I don't like it one bit.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Good info on the DMV. I like your songs better than the 1-2-3 thing.


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