The Great Plotnik

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Plotnik Suggests Fish

Politics, natural disasters, disease, love. Humans have terribly short attention spans. We need to be zapped periodically with something new, or we forget. The President tells us we're winning, and we believe him, because we can't remember what we see with our own eyes on television every night. The hurricane destroys a city, and we're surprised, because we can't remember the same thing threatens the same place every year, and neither can we remember to prepare for it. There's a new deadly virus in Africa or China and we're surprised, because we can't remember experts have been warning us about it for decades. Couples we love break up, and it makes no sense. It’s as if they can’t remember what attracted one to the other in the first place. Our brains must be like our hard drives – programmed to deconstruct periodically.

The Great Plotnik suggests fish. It’s supposed to be memory food.

Tonight he is making bbq salmon which has been marinating all day in a mojito – limes, lemons, garlic, oregano, oil. The Great PunkyDunky, The Great FiveHead, and The Great BeeziWeezi are all in town. The Great Plotnik has a surprise for them all. Hopefully, they won’t die of embarrassment, nor he.


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