The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Originally uploaded by thegreatplotnik.
The Plotniks are heading for Guatemala!

The Great Ducknik is determined to do two weeks of Spanish immersion in Antigua, so The Great Plotnik will have ten days by himself back in Saint Plotniko, to eat his way down the disgustingly huge pot of yellow peas, green lentils and brown rice he makes the day she leaves and then doesn't even bother to heat up until the slop is all gone.

Meanwhile, Ducknik will be quacking merrily to language school for four hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon, one-on-one with a teacher who Plotnik figures will turn out to be the only Bilingual 6-foot-6-inch Heartthrob-Renaissance-Man-Ferrari-driving-Fluent-on-Horseback-and-In-the Ways-of-Gringa-Love Instructor in all Antigua.

Then, Sr. Gran Plotnico plans to hook back up with his Now-To-Be-Called Doña Duckinez, and they will head off together to the highlands, lowlands, jungles and Maya ruins for ten days.

What, you may be wondering, does Purotniku plan to do about Kanji class while he's galavanting around Gu-a-te-ma-ru? And what about his (shh-h-h, the editors have ears) job?


At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow ~
how come we didn't know
about this before?
how exciting!
nycg or mush


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