The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Morning with Ms. Rodriguez/Nguyen/Brown/Goldstein

Blogger's been down all day, so Plotnik couldn't apologize for his bile-filled title yesterday before it was time to go to bed. Normally, he'd erase it, but instead he'll post the happy little photo he shot of a gaggle of gigglers being pulled in a wagon by their preschool teacher. These little kids know nothing about politics, God bless 'em.

Early this morning, Plot and Duck met Rachel Rodriguez/ Nguyen/ Brown/ Goldstein, famed children's book author, at Tartine/ Croissants/ Bread Pudding/ Macaroons. They drank enough coffee and ate enough pastries that Duck and Plot shook like flaky jello the rest of the day. Ms. Rodriguez/Nguyen/Brown/Goldstein brought them up to date on her progress and told them her book is ready for its second printing. Tinapos, Tinapos, for darned sure.


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