Aunt Booty, Famous Record Producer
The Great Plotnik, on the left, and Giuseppe Grapeseed, famous wine expert, on right, had their picture taken at Vino Noceto winery the other day. As proof that the dog with the large nose is indeed the Great Plotnik, see the initials on his cap: D.D. This stands for Dodger Doug.
But writing 'Giuseppe Grapeseed, famous wine expert,' reminds TGP of a family story. Many years ago, when Plot was still living in The Big Shmapple, he came to Stiletto City to perform in a Songwriter's Expo at a local club. People in the audience were asked to fill out white 3X5 cards with their opinions of the songs and the singers on the program. Afterwards, each performer would get to view the comments they had received, and judge how they were doing.
Since the show was in Plot's home town, several members of the family showed up, including, at the last moment, his Aunt Bootie. Aunt Bootie, bless her heart, did not exactly fit the Hollywood Profile, bless her heart, and would always say whatever was on her mind, bless her heart. Before Ducknik learned Booty's real name, she called her 'Auntie Cough Syrup,' because the day they met Booty backed Duck into a corner and lectured her for twenty minutes about the different grades of Robitussin. Don't know why. Never did. Bless her heart.
But Booty showed up at the club! Damn right!
Anyway, after the show, most of Plot's 3X5 cards carried the usual remarks: 'nice,' 'nice song,' 'liked this one, didn't like this one.' There was one exception, however. The lady who ran the Expo handed the last card to Plotnik by itself, with this comment: "Well! You certainly impressed somebody out there."
Plot turned the card over. It read: "This boy will be a famous Hollywood star someday. If I were you, I'd give him lots of money. (signed): Aunt Booty, Famous Record Producer."
Aunt Booty died several years ago, but she lives on in Plot's memory as Aunt Booty, Famous Record Producer. The lady did have her own kind of class. Bless her heart.
What a fine story ~ I must ask the Ducknik about the different grades of cough syrup. Aren't relatives fun ~ well, yours are. And yes, last night did me a world of good...nothing works better than a few belly laughs!
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