The Great Plotnik

Friday, November 10, 2006

She's Almost Three Days Old

Baby Isabella still is without a middle name, though the choices are being narrowed down. She and Mom came home yesterday, so last night Duck and Plottie brought stuffed peppers, tabboule and Kentucky Cherry Pie for dinner. The thought of eating her first Cherry Pie, albeit filtered through Mama, lit up Isabella's eyes.

It was also Mummy Plotnik's first chance to hold her great-grand-daughter, which she did for a long time.

Later on, when she and Plot and Duck got back home, Mummy P. could not find her glasses. Look on the brown chair next to her.
Papa and Mama and Baby slept at home last night for the first time. This morning PD said "We had a great night. I was only up four or five times."

The Great Plotnik realizes his site has become a satellite site for American Baby, but, come on! Look at this gorgeous thing! Would you rather see her or two pie crusts?


At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandpa - thanks for posting these great pictures and updates. And for keeping a food angle active (Kentucky Cherry pie?). I'm encouraged there have been no pictures of Isabella in a Dodgers outfit.

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fun, thanks for all the photos and news!


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