A Yurt with Four Wheel Drive

Traffic is backed up in both directions in Stiletto City, no matter where you are going or coming from. The Great Plotnik is thinking of building a mobile yurt that can be taken onto the Freeway. That way, passengers can lounge inside, smoking a yak and having philosophical discussions while the driver stares out at highway speeds of 2 mph in every single direction.
Observe the traffic in the above picture.
Today is Tourism Day for the Big E. BZWZ and he are going first to the Chinese Theatre, to see just how small Judy Garland's footprints were, then to the La Brea Tar Pits, then down Sunset Blvd. through the Strip and Palisades to the beach, then up the coast to Malibu, then back down to a favorite burger spot in Santa Monica, and then possibly to the newly renovated Observatory in Griffith Park.
Duck and Plot will find someplace to hike. They need to push themselves out of the yurt.
Dodger Doug-Surely they have Radio Shacks in Stiletto City, or other electronics stores where they carry the camera-to-computer cable you need? You could leave it at the home of Baby Isabella in case you forget your other one the next time you yurt down to visit.
In other news, tomorrow RR will be 156 weeks old! You do the math, and Happy Thanksgiving!
I'd like to sightsee down there if they didn't have that traffic. I can help you with the RR math, if you like, DD. Just whistle. Ever since I discovered what a yurt was last Sept., I see the word every place. I hear they are going to put one up in Union Square!
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