A Few More Heroes
Before The Great FiveHead, formerly known as the Great Five Point Nine Head, went into labor, The Great Plotnik scoffed a bit at the concept of a Doula. He had never heard of a Doula before, and of course he was totally off his rocker. Sheri did a lot more than coach 5H through a difficult natural birth without drugs or pain killers -- it was she who was able, working with PD and 5H in the last hours, to put 5H in positions that would allow Baby Isabella to finally drop into the correct position, which allowed her to be born without a C-Section or drugs. A doctor would never have had the patience to wait, but the midwives at the hospital did, because they trusted Sheri. The Great FiveHead screamed her head off, or so she says, but she and her 8.5 pound baby were alert and smiling ten minutes after Isabella came into the world.
Another hero of the process is Baby I's Big Brother Mischief. He was left outside in the yard during the day when The Great Fivehead went into labor, and apparently felt so bad he walked to the rear of the house and howled for six hours, which he has never done before. Now that Baby I has come home, everytime she cries he gets up, walks into the room, sniffs the air to make sure everything is safe, then goes back to sleep. What a guy.
Seeing these three together gives The Great Plotnik a huge thump of pride in the pit of his stomach. It also brings a tear to his eye to realize PD and 5H will be such magnificent parents. They have a crowd of close friends around them, most of them couples, most of them just about ready to have kids themselves, so that for the next few decades many of their children will also be friends. And friendship is what gets kids and parents and grandparents through life with smiles on their faces.
Plottie and Duck hope they can keep being a little section of that big old fence. It's sure starting out that way.
Wowza ~ a true natural birth, amazing!
Thanks for this latest blog post - I love that picture at the end with the three of them beaming at each other. This story brought back many memories of Jesse's birth, which went very NOT smooth until an extremely patient nurse told the doctor to take a nap and went to work on Diane. And everything went great from then on.
I'm so glad guys can't get pregnant - I could never deal with childbirth.
I must have a copy of this picture, please! It will hang under the pictures of Dad and Ruth holding Danny close to their face when he was a newborn!!! Auntie PP
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