The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Who knows about Airborne?

If you were to scroll backwards through Plotnik posts you probably wouldn't find many times when Plottie got sick. He's been lucky that way, so far -- the colds that Ducknik always caught on BART or in the office have not often penetrated his Cavern of Organica.

That brings us to today, sniff, cough, snarfle. BZ says 'Airborne,' and so does Pat across the street. Has anyone ever tried Airborne?

When Plotnik was working in Singapore a few years ago, everyone there swore by Pei Pa Koa (Loquat Syrup). It's not hard to find. Every grocery store west of Twin Peaks has a thousand bottles stacked up in front of the store. It works great for a cough, but for a cold? What about Airborne, eh?

Plottie drove Ducknik to the airport an hour ago, for she's off to hug Baby Isabella Louise for three days. Now, Plot can suffer in bliss.

Except he made himself a cup of Semiramis Coffee (topped with cream) and a toasted bolillo with Requeson cheese melted on top, yum, and he's feeling a lot better.

So lessee what's in the fridge...umm, leftover Zaatar chicken, oh, that good Bolivian Sopa de Mani (Peanut Soup), right, some tortillas, excellent. That should do for the next few hours anyway.


At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't comment on Airborne, but I give a ten-hanky salute to Zicam, which not only reduces the revolting symptoms of a cold, it cuts the duration of a cold to about three or four days. You do, however, need to take it at the first sign of an oncoming cold (the ominous scratchy throat, the too-many-sneezes in a row) for it to really work. Run, run now -- get that Zicam quick!

At 12:24 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

And I can recommend Airborne. When we went to NYC in Feb. 04, we were SQUISHED right next to a couple who coughed and hacked all the way in the van from the airport to West 87th. But we had taken our Airborne before and during the flight and we were fine. I always take it before I go on a plane trip ~ those things are packed with free-floating germs. Feel better!

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Three Rooms Press said...

Airborne rules in our household! We use it daily, and haven't gotten sick for a year, except for a minor attack of food poisoning from sour-cream herring, which Airborne does not protect against! It's main ingredient seems to be Zinc, which some say is not good for you in large doses. What do they know? They're only doctors. Airborne rules!!


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