The Great Plotnik

Friday, March 16, 2007

I Dunno. Wadda U-Think?

Spring has sprung. Yin has yanged. The first red and white fuscias, the first blue native iris, the first yellow tulips, the first coral daylilies. The tomatoes are in their pots, already planning their greatest production for whenever Plot and Duck are traveling somewhere else.

Man, these keys are loud! Yesterday, The Great Plotnik had his meeting with Dr. U-Think? Plot has decided to call him Dr. U-Think? because no matter what Plotnik asks, the answer is I Dunno, Wadda U-Think? Thankfully, despite unparalleled amounts of previous worry, Plottie appears to be reasonably healthy, at least for the time being, and thanks for asking, though he does wish Dr. U-Think would stop saying things like "Humans are programmed to live until around 35. So, as we age, our bodies are trying to kill us off. Each organ is trying to fail. It is my job as your physician to keep you alive."

"You think?"

Plot has not been hearing all that well lately. Since he was in the office anyway, he reported to Dr. U-Think? that his, Plottie's, hearing was failing. In the middle of his story about Great Uncle Izzie who was stone deaf but until he died at close to 100 insisted on calling on the phone --



"Oh, hi Uncle Iz."


... Dr. U-Think? suggested he look in The Great Ears, before he fit Plot with a hearing aid. Imagine Plot's surprise when the prognosis was that both ears were completely clogged with, well, let's call it Heroic Material.

"Is this something you can treat, Doctor?" Plottie asked.

"I dunno, wadda U-Think?" said Doctor U.

It took five minutes. Today, both ears having been washed out, Plot is hearing trebles he had forgotten about. The refrigerator gives a little vacuum whoosh when the door opens. The You-Got-IM signal is in three parts, not one. The furnace doesn't just go on, it makes a clicking noise first. That is a really annoying fretboard finger noise during that guitar slide.

In sum, The Great Plotnik heartily endorses checking one's ears, and the best reason is you can also hear your wife better. Is this an improvement? I dunno, wadda U-think?


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Seeing all these flowers makes me incredibly jealous. It's snowing here today. (We never have these flowers in NYC, but I forget that I miss them until I see your photos.)

At 1:15 PM, Blogger bronwen said...

Now that is just disgusting! Ha!


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