The Great Plotnik

Sunday, March 25, 2007

No Isabella Sightings

Sunday morning in Stiletto City. Plotnik drove Ducknik through his old neighborhood last night, and even into his old High School. It was all mildly amusing, except for the Hummer parked in his old driveway.

In The Great Plotnik's High School days, his school was called the Braves. Now it's the Patriots. The old logo was some kind of tommahawk. Now what is it, a Cruise Missle?

Just north of the school, past the old donut shop that used to continually get busted for concealing drugs (we never knew what kind) in the cherry jelly donuts, the neighborhood has become Vietnamese, Persian and Central American. The food's a whole lot better than it used to be, but everything else looks pretty much the same.

No Isabella sightings yesterday. Shall make up for that in an hour. It's time for Cafe Tropical, a Cuban cafe con leche, guayaba con queso and a big glass of kisses from Baby I.


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