The Great Plotnik

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thirty Bottles of Wine in the Rack

Thirty bottles of wine in the rack
Thirty bottles of wine
If one of those bottles should happen to crack
Twenty nine bottles of wine in the rack

You know you're a Northern Californian when...your wine rack finally gets filled up. You know you're REALLY a Northern Californian when you have to remove your Emergency Earthquake Supply from the closet where the wine rack is, to make room for the overflow of wines that won't fit in the rack. Of course, the Emergency Earthquake Supply only has canned tuna left in it, since you already ate up the Oreos and chocolate bars and used up all the AA batteries.

And who is to say that good wine is not the perfect item for a natural disaster? The Plotniks do need to buy more batteries and more Oreos, though.


At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite wine being the spirit of choice of the Plotniks (and Weisers), I'm gonna reccomend some water... :) Oreos probably hold up pretty well in an earthquake :)

*sigh* earthquakes

At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee. Yeah. Last night the power went out here for only a couple of minutes, not exactly an earthquake....but Jack wasn't here, and I realized, sitting there in the pitch black living room with a pitch black Olivia, I wasn't even sure where a flashlight might be, let alone a wine rack (though now I know where go go for that...).

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assume this was the result of the Lodi wine excursion?

What kind of wine do you drink with Oreos? Or earthquakes for that matter?

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you're an angeleno when you have foil wrapped carne asada tacos stashed around the house waiting por la grande terremoto!


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