The Great Plotnik

Sunday, July 22, 2007

RR's Back! So are Free Dahlias

It has been SO long since a new photo arrived from Blogmaid of gorgeous RR, KNBR's new sportscaster on the Cute as a Bug afternoon drive segment. Here she is, sitting in Gary Radnich's seat, and we can all just hope that Radnich sees the writing on the wall and quits, leaving RR in charge. She has yet to make one mistake.

Plotnik was walking down 26th of October Street yesterday and passed this chair on the street, with this cup of flowers, and this sign. The sign said something like: "FREE FLOWERS! We are swimming in dahlias and would love to share them with our friends. Please take as many as you like! Have a nice day!"

The water had all dried up in the cup, and the flowers were wilted or dead.

Here we have Bay Area politics in a nutshell: someone had a great idea and took the time to bring it to fruition. Then, figuring they'd done their bit and feeling all creampuffy inside, they moved on to something else, without providing one thought to the infrastructure necessary for the project to have any chance to succeed.

It's this logic that leads people to spend half a million dollars to fix the elevator at the Glen Park Bart station, but not provide for a guard to keep the homeless out of sleeping in the elevator at night. The bathrooms are also locked, so the homeless guys pee in the elevator. The pee seeps down and rots the switches and motors and soon the elevator doesn't work anymore. There's no more money to fix it again, and anyway, why bother?

Enjoy the flowers! We've got lots! Flowers for all! Jeez, what a grump Plotnik is today, all because he missed that one last shot, Criminy.


At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first, non-grumpy part of this blog is fabulous! I can't believe no one else has commented on it...

At 8:24 AM, Blogger bronwen said...

this is also why there are nonfunctional boreholes all across Africa. we aren't the best species when it comes to maintaining our instant gratification...


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