The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving in Stiletto City

In the end, Thanksgiving maybe wasn't the usual Big Hoot that it has been in the past, but it wasn't Baby I's fault. She swigged her beer along with Auntie BZ.

Everybody had a touch of stomach yoyo and that makes everything a lot less fun. Didn't seem to bother the family's five 'little girls,' who aren't very little anymore, when they posed after dinner. BZ's on the right.

Like she does every year, the Little Bear cried when she gave her toast, and, as always, she set a beautiful Thanksgiving table(s). No one can ever imagine being anywhere else for Thanksgiving.

But so much of everyone's energy went into trying to buy this house that Baby I and BZ are walking in front of.

It is a very beautiful and stately 1901 Victorian home, in the West Adams district of Stiletto City, with all the appointments that wealthy peoples' houses came with in those days. Best of all, it has barely been touched since then and never renovated, so all that charm is still there. The problem is that PD and 5H were not able to buy it -- or at least, they haven't been able to yet. Someone else got first call and is making up his/her mind right now.

The neighborhood is different -- you're not going to walk to the corner for a latte or a microbrew. But it's 20 minutes closer to work, each way, every day. It's really cool. There's still a chance. Maybe.

Plottie and PD took a bike ride on Saturday, along the recently opened bike trail which winds along the LA River. The kind of graffiti that is real art decorates the banks on the far side.

Do you think all Thai food is delicious? Don't EVER try Thai pickled olives. Bad bad bad bad bad.

Before he got sick, Plottie was feeling pretty good with a knife in his hand.

Mummy P was in fine form too.

Best of all, Vash-nik and Baby Isabella have definitely bonded. They hung out together and Vashie treated Baby I like the royalty she already thinks she is.


At 4:00 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Oh, wonderful pictures ~ Bron gets prettier every week! That is a huge and beautiful Thanksgiving table, no wonder the hostess needs Kleenex®. The winning food poisoning call out at the big box is Thai food ~ I keep a running (so to speak) tab on this...we are all glad you're home!
How's the floor?


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