The Great Plotnik

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Renaming the Housing Crisis

OK, let's just say Plot and Duck are working on another, uh, home repair. Sorry friends but Plot has to remain in the closet on this one, which is not altogether non-germaine to the problem. This is all he will say, except to say that Plot had a pet once he really did love.

Last night, before watching the amazing conclusion to Back to the Future III, where Doc and Clint, that is Marty, manage to blast themselves into 1985 aboard a DeLorean, being pushed by an ancient locomotive, that has to cross a deep ravine 50 years before the bridge it is crossing has been built, oh and what about Mary Steenburgen in those purple skirts hanging upside down on the train...before that, Plot had to go into the shop to investigate a noise.

He had to stand on a little box to see up into the place where the noise came from.

He stretched out. The box broke.

So this morning he's got a purple abrasion under his big toe that makes walking a bit problematic. It's not painful or throbbing, as long as he doesn't land on it, but IT'S SUNNY and SUNDAY and that means there is a PLOTZKETBALL game and how do you play Plotzketball, even at Plotnik's reduced speed, without landing on your big toe?

NOW it's starting to throb.

Ah yes, you are saying "But...our leader, our moral compass, the Chief Plotzer of our flock, whom we all know must surely have been asked to give a small benediction at President Obama-Nik's inauguration, but chose instead to remain in Saint Plotniko, where he could devote each working hour to designing solutions to the multiple ailments of the great land in which we doth reside, surely he does not deserve to have a sore big toe!

Wait, wait, here's the kicker. This tale has an excellent conclusion. This morning, while not playing Plotzketball, The Great Plotnik came up with a great idea for solving The Housing Crisis: change its name to The Mousing Crisis. Mouses are smaller than houses. The entire problem becomes exponentially tinier and everybody knows small problems are more easily treated than large problems.

Take Iraq. Wait. That was a small problem we turned into a large problem. See?


At 10:50 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

First Monte Ellis, then Baron Davis, and now Ploty end up on the IR. You say the injury was due to a little box you were standing on collapsing, but the media suspects it was something more sinister. Like trying to do anything to get out of watching that movie.

Actually, it's been a while since I've seen it. I loved the first one, didn't like the second, and don't remember much of the third. But if you liked it I should give it another chance. I'll just make sure I've got a sturdier box hanging around for just in case.

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because you don't want to name it (or would rather re-name it), doesn't mean it will go away.

Speaking from experience - boldly go where homeowners are afraid to go, face the problem head on, take away the stigma, you are not alone, get help, stand tall(on a ladder instead of a box)...oh rats! the phone is ringing....more later.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Oh oh ~ good thing you handle physical pain so bravely (and quietly).

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words; Me. Ow. Mouse problem is sol-ved, Chief Inspector Dreyfuss.

- Clousseau


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