Still Thinking about Vigil
Last night Plot and Duck saw "Vigil" at A.C.T. and Plot is still trying to figure out whether he liked it or liked it a lot. It's a play with a twist that is so fantastic and comes from so far out in left field that he wants that twist to have been the climax to the show.
But it isn't. And the play was written in 1995 and has been performed in many languages around the world, so they're not going to change it now. This is one of those moments when Plotnik has to really think to figure out why he is hesitant about this show.
It was funny, sometimes really funny. It was touching in spots.
Hanky Girl was there last night, along with ex-Tiaposian Beth Sanchez. Hanky met up with Plot and Duck during intermission and came down to sit in the row in front of them for Act Two. The entire row was empty because lots of people seem to have left at intermission.
Beth left at intermission too, but that was probably understandable because she and Hanky Girl had comps in the very last row of the top deck. Seeing as 'Vigil' has only two characters and only one of them talks, the other person (who turns out to be Olympia Dukakis)'s facial expressions are very important, and they were invisible from the upper bleachers.
It's always fun to see Hanky. She has one of the world's great smiles. She said she...liked the play, not loved it. And when everyone said goodbye on the street corner outside after the show she was not smiling and nobody else was either. It was really cold out there.
But not in here. Duck liked the show too. Plot thinks he maybe liked it more than that but maybe not as much as he could have or should have or maybe he needs to think about it some more. Hmmmmm.
OK, I thought about it. You can read the San Francisco Theater Blog review of "Vigil" here.
Olympia Dukakis is in this play and never says a word? Wow. No baseballs ever make the upper bleachers.
Perhaps one of DAK Plotniks closer friends could please ring him up and inform him that my, Texas Pete, aka The Brain Surgeon, contact info is the last comment in his March 28th blog, "Full Moons, and A Toast to Cleo," as per his request.
I only bring this up because His Royal Greatness personally axed for that info, and I know of no other way to contact him other than through this here blog.
Thank you.
Texas Pete, I gotcha. Mail comin' up!
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