The Great Plotnik

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Red Hat and The SoCal Garden

Who knows about the Red Hats? It is an organization of women over the age of 50 who get together to DO things. They go to concerts, they organize events or get-togethers and appear to have a lot of fun. Down the street from Mummy P. is a woman who is a member, and she has invited Mummy P. to join them at some point. She has even given Plottie's mom a red hat, which is required costume for all Red Hat events.

Plotnik is envious of Mummy P's garden, because it's so hot. He put in a couple tomato plants a month or two ago and they are, of course, flourishing.

Last year Plot and Duck were walking in the hills above M.P.s house and passed a beautiful, twining tree. The owner of the house in back of the tree came out with a pruning shears and cut off two branches and told Plot to stick it in the ground and keep it wet.

He stuck it on the side of Mummy P.'s house. Here it is one year later, on the bottom, next to a tomato plant, a rose and a sago palm.

This asparagus fern has gotten so big it has burst through its pot and now is growing in the ground.

This is a World Cup U.S. day and Plotnik is trying to care. Perhaps he will watch the last five minutes, perhaps not. Tomorrow Mexico plays Argentina. Plotnik advises all his Saint Plotniko and Stiletto City friends to monitor this game, and if Mexico appears to be victorious, head immediately to your nearest taco joint because you will see la vida loca, chicos.


At 10:46 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Nice green thumb! As for the World Cup, I'm intending to monitor the game (match?) while doing trip wrap-up posts. It's hard to root against the only remaining African team. A Mexico win will indeed be a big deal around here.

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous jj-aka-pp said...

Red Hat society for Rose! What a GREAT idea!
Great garden pix.
You question why I only watch the last 3 minutes of a basketball game and you will do the same for soccer? Actually I'll just watch the last 1 minute of the soccer game....give me baseball any day...Oh, and the Braves are playing at the same time as soccer. Perfect! I'll listen to the Braves on the radio and have soccer on TV with no sound....and get some reading done! :-)

At 2:16 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

I have a lot to say about Red Hat women who visit my museums. We watched the soccer game, imagine. It is beautiful weather here in SF and out tomato plants are at least as prolific as yours.


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