The Great Plotnik

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Room with a Pew

Plot has been walking a bit more lately and riding a bit less, in an attempt to take it easier on his occasionally barking back. Yesterday he walked by this church, which is the Church of...the Church of...wait a minute. It's the Church of Nothing. There is no religious symbol, no signs up, not even a No Parking During Services sign. Nothing.

It's in the middle of the block. Probably this is a private house now, purchased from some obscure church who went out of business. Wow! What a great place to live. Think of the acoustics!

This morning Plottie put on his bike sneakers to hit the Saturday Morning Hill Run and -- wait a second! His back started hurting immediately, before he'd even walked up the stairs. It hasn't hurt for quite a few days before that, so 2 plus 2 = aha! The shoes!

Could it be? Everytime he comes home with a sore back he's been wearing those old beat up shoes. So this morning he did his bike run with a different pair and: voila! No back problem.

The Great Plotnik will keep his parishioners posted. Wish we'd bought that church for World Headquarters.


At 12:58 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Great about the wrong shoes!

At 9:28 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Yay! A shoe shopping run is in your future. People would have to take you more seriously if that was your World Headquarters.


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