The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Grillers in the Mist 2010

Grillers in the Mist 2010 was a great party. Every Labor Day NoeValSal celebrates another year's survival of the paper by throwing a bbq at Great Plotnik World Headquarters.

The gin flows.

Music, laughs, food, fun. Everybody's kids get bigger. A few stomachs have become even more prodigious, but everyone's still looking good. It's the best party of the year, now that there's no April Fool's Issue Planning Party.

This year we even got Officer Lorraine. Who know the force can bake such great apple pie?

Thanks to Pam and Liz and others for great photos and to everyone for singing on "Watsonville." Your checks are in the mail. BZ, you're gonna love this. You now have a background group. What a blast.


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