The Great Plotnik

Thursday, May 05, 2011


You may find it rather unappetizing -- the USA! USA! zeal with which so many Americans are cheering the death of Osama bin Laden -- but The Great Plotnik wishes to remind everyone that we do it because we want to do it. We need to do it.

There is a tremendous void in the mental health of America, caused by many things. Perhaps the biggest reason is the realization by practically everybody that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The educated classes are grabbing all the jobs and the undereducated are being passed by. Republicans blame Democrats and Democrats blame Republicans, but it's clear both sides are complicit in this vision of our country -- produce nothing, buy everything, shuffle papers and call it a job, skirt every rule and then move in at the bottom of Mt. Vesuvius with your fingers in your ears.

Add in religion. And terrorism. And mistrust of government. And racism. And cancer. And global everything.

So, when we get a chance to cheer together -- to stand up and feel happy about something -- look out. It feels so good. USA! USA! is another way to say "You and me! We agree! US! US! US!"


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