The Great Plotnik

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Let's Give The Cave a Little Less Love

2011's last TIAPOS meeting was the most fun of all. Everybody was in a great mood, looked good, sounded good and ranted like Serbian sailors. The topic was "rant about something." Champion Ranter of the evening was without doubt The Great Domin-Nik aka WantzaNewName. She may or may not be somewhere in the above photo. If her clients ever hear a word of this it is possible that business will fall off. Like, down to nothing, coupled with police dogs.

We laughed and laughed and laughed some more, managing to stuff in plenty of food at the same time, while drinking a lot of red wine. A writing group should never be composed of such good friends, because nobody ever really wants to be too harsh a critic. But Christmas parties are a lot more fun this way.

So Plotnik, especially, who talks a big story about living an isolated, reclusive life, needs to look at the man in the mirror. He and Duck have wonderful friends in this town. If Plottie decides to live in a cave, he shouldn't blame the cave.


At 1:02 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Thanks for making good on the promise to take a photo of Jane (plus you got that crazy woman to her right!). Did Jane take shots of you and everyone else? More, please.


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